Are you ready to tell your story?
Collecting local oral histories is a key part of our mission to preserve the history of Yarmouth. We encourage you, whether young or old, to take steps to capture the stories and memories that enrich our understanding of Yarmouth’s past. Have questions about collecting oral histories? There is a wealth of information and advice available online. Use the following links as a starting point.
Oral History Primer at UC Santa Cruz: The University Library offers a concise introduction to oral history and provides clear guidelines for conducting interviews.
Oral History Association: This is the principal membership organization for oral history. Browse their website for resources, publications, and a schedule of events and conferences.
Institute for Oral History at Baylor University: Here you will find online workshops and other resources to help hone your interview and transcription skills.
Oral History in the Digital Age: Visit this site for detailed information and tutorials about using digital resources to the fullest potential. Click on the “Getting Started” link for key starting points.
Finally, for a lighthearted look at what NOT to do during a video interview, watch the movie below, made just for us by Yarmouth residents Ihila Lesnikova and Tom Bell.
Would you like to use the History Center as a meeting place to gather oral histories? Please ask! We are happy to assist local historians in any way we can.