Join us for a lecture this fall! All lectures are free and open to the public. The lecture series is generously sponsored by the Leon and Lisa Gorman Fund.
September 20, 7:00, Zoom
- Speaker: Candace Kanes, historian and journalist
- Subject: History of Newspapers in Maine
- Historian and former newspaper reporter and editor Candace Kanes will share her knowledge about the history of Maine’s newspapers. We’re offering this talk as a complement to our new, and growing, online database of Yarmouth’s own Shopping Notes.
- View online now!
October 11, 7:00, IN PERSON at Yarmouth History Center
- Speaker: Seth Goldstein, historian and director of the Cushing’s Point Museum in South Portland
- Subject: Maine and the West Indies Trade
- The featured speaker at our Annual Meeting will be Seth Goldstein, who will share his recent research on the 19th century economic ties between Maine and the luxury producing plantations of the West Indies.
- View online now!
October 18, 7:00, Zoom
- Speaker: Rebecca White, historian at University of Maine, Augusta
- Subject: Women’s Clubs and the Village Improvement Movement
- Rebecca White, Assistant Professor of History at the University of Maine at Augusta, joins us to speak about the history of women’s clubs, such as Yarmouth’s Village Improvement Society, and their lasting impact on local communities.
- View online now!
- Speaker: Winners of the Wellcome Prize
- Subject: Prizewinning papers and films on Cumberland County history
- Click here for more info on the Wellcome Prize and how to enter!